The defense forces eliminated 9 tanks, 28 artillery systems and more than 1,100 troops of the Russian army in a day

may 27, 2024

Over the past day, 1,150 Russian invaders and dozens of units of enemy equipment were destroyed by the Defense Forces on the Russian-Ukrainian front.

This is stated in the summary of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total combat losses of the enemy from February 24, 2022 to May 27, 2024 are estimated to be:

  • personnel – about 502,340 (+1,150) people,
  • tanks ‒ 7671 (+9) units,
  • armored combat vehicles – 14,818 (+15) units,
  • artillery systems – 12,981 (+28) units,
  • RSZV – 1084 (+1) units,
  • air defense equipment ‒ 815 (+1) units,
  • aircraft – 357 (+1) units,
  • helicopters – 326 (+0) units,
  • UAVs of the operational-tactical level – 10,467 (+42) units,
  • cruise missiles ‒ 2221 (+12) units,
  • ships/boats ‒ 27 (+0) units,
  • submarines – 1 (+0) units,
  • automotive equipment and tank trucks – 17,694 (+55) units,
  • of special equipment ‒ 2118 (+7) units.


  1. The body count is going down. Because the RuSSian offensive’s intensity has decreased, or for other reasons? 🤔

    • Of course, Mr. Gray. Their leaders haven’t suddenly found compassion in their stone-cold hearts.

  2. 1100 less filthy orcs is a life-saver. But we have to remember that even if Ukraine achieve 8-1 kill ratio, that means c.150 human beings die each day.
    Probably the quickest way to win is for the defenders to inflict sustained orc losses that are way above the maximum replacement rate.
    Take out 2000/day for 6 months and they are fucked up. Make it 3000/day and the cunts are gone.

    • Ouch, you raised a sad point, Scradge! Indeed, if we assume a rather positive ratio like 8:1, this still calculates to a disturbingly high loss for Ukraine. And in that light, the body count doesn’t seem fair: Every one of those fallen heroes was worth 100 times more than one of Putin’s pathetic mobiks, not to speak of the bloody murderers, who will go straight to hell! Let’s never forget the many brave defenders of freedom and democracy. We all in the West owe it to them to do our best to make sure their sacrifice has not been in vain. Slava heroyam!

    • Well, this kill rate could be achieved if we had the right leaders in the free world, but we don’t so it can’t.

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