Fuel station in Russia’s Oryol Oblast damaged following drone attack

May 27, 2024

Photo for illustrative purposes: A statue to Aleksey Yermolov, a 19th century Russian general, in the city center of Oryol, capital of Oryol Oblast. (Andrew Roth/ The Washington Post via Getty Images)

Two drones crashed into a fuel station in Livny, a town in Russia’s Oryol region, overnight on May 27, according to the local governor.

Oryol Oblast Governor Andrei Klychkov said that part of the building facade was damaged.

First responders have been dispatched to the scene when another drone reportedly crashed at the same station. A driver of the local fire station was killed in the attack, according to Klychkov, and three other rescuers were injured.

The Kyiv Independent can’t immediately verify those claims.

In recent months, Ukrainian forces have launched a series of drone strikes aimed at damaging Russia’s oil industry, which is crucial to sustain Moscow’s war efforts, as well as its military hardware.

Oryol Oblast is located in western Russia, and borders Kursk region to the southwest, Bryansk region to the northwest, and Tula region to the east.



  1. Hmm. That the AFU is targetting fuel stations now is a bit weird. All refineries, much fatter targets, already destroyed? Or do RuSSian military convoys actually refuel at civilian gas stations? 🤔

    • I’m not exactly sure what they mean by fuel station, but I don’t think it’s a regular gas station, but one for military vehicles.

    • It’s been rather slow lately regarding attacks on refineries. I hope they will resume quickly and massively.

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