A small summary of the rebuilding of Ukraine after Nazi destruction

Residents of a damaged high-rise building in Gostomel restored the facade and achieved major repairs.

The “Pokrovsky” residential complex in Gostomel was seriously damaged by shelling from Russian troops. Residents restored the facade on their own by December 2022 and obtained state aid.

Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy showed a photo of the building that was hit by a Russian rocket last year. Photo with a difference of 8 months. The first stage of restoration work has now been completed, Sadovyi said



Work on the restoration of the overpass near Nizhyn, which was destroyed in the spring of 2022, has been completed.
Autostrada rebuilt the bridge virtually from scratch in record time – in just 4 months.

Our team visited this facility at the end of summer. First, they started dismantling the damaged span structure and supports, disassembled the approaches to the bridge, beds, transitional slabs, cabinet walls, hatches and undercarriages. During the dismantling of the damaged structures, it turned out that the grid (the upper part of the foundation, which distributes the load on the base) of one of the intermediate supports was also torn off, which also had to be dismantled in the end.
After that, the Autostrada bridge builders actually built a new bridge: they concreted a new grid on one of the intermediate piers, on the intermediate piers they built new support racks, new crossbars and trusses, on the extreme piers – new cabinet walls, openings, beds, transition plates, trusses. Mounted supporting parts, beams (21 m and 15 m), concreted monolithic slab, sidewalks. They installed cones on the extreme supports, waterproofing, drainage, asphalt concrete covering of the roadway. A protective coating was applied to the sidewalks and road markings.



  1. Look at the video about Makariv. You will not recognize it after 2 years. Only 2 years! New houses, schools, hospitals, fire brigade………………look like a brand new ‘Skandinavian village’. (my words)

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