A powerful explosion occurred in Lugansk: an “arrival” at the occupiers’ base is possible (video)

Larisa Kozovaya11:14, 05/20/24

A video has emerged showing black smoke rising into the sky.

In Lugansk , which is occupied by the Russian Federation, a powerful explosion occurred, probably on the territory of the local Academy of Internal Affairs, where the Russian occupiers are based.

According to ASTRA , local residents reported the explosion. They also released a video that showed a column of black smoke rising into the sky after a powerful explosion.

“No shit,” commented the consequences of the “arrival,” probably the author of the video.   

“An explosion is reported in Lugansk. According to preliminary information from local media, the attack hit the territory of the Lugansk Academy of Internal Affairs,” the publication says.

According to some reports, Russian occupiers are based at the academy.

A powerful explosion occurred in Lugansk

(C)UNIAN 2024


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