They are breaking through to reinforcement under enemy fire: the State Border Guard Service showed an exclusive video from Volchansk


Border guards as part of the Defense Forces are fighting the enemy in this direction. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The network showed an exclusive video from Volchansk in the Kharkov region, which demonstrates how soldiers from the border service work. The footage shows them breaking through under enemy fire to reinforce the remaining units of the Defense Forces.

The corresponding video was published by the press service of the State Border Guard Service. “Exclusive footage of the battles for Volchansk from border guards,” the message says.

The footage shows soldiers of the State Border Guard Service breaking through enemy fire to come to the aid of their comrades.

Border guards as part of the Defense Forces are fighting the enemy in this direction.

“Brother for brother! Let’s keep the line!” – noted the Ukrainian defenders.

They are breaking through to reinforcement under enemy fire: the State Border Guard Service showed an exclusive video from Volchansk
The network showed an exclusive video from Volchansk in the Kharkov region. Source: Screenshot
They are breaking through to reinforcement under enemy fire: the State Border Guard Service showed an exclusive video from Volchansk
Border guards as part of the Defense Forces are fighting the enemy in this direction. Source: Screenshot

It should be noted that Russian occupation forces took civilians hostage in Volchansk, Kharkov region. They did not allow local residents to evacuate: people began to be kidnapped and driven into basements.

The Ukrainian Defense Forces in the Kharkov region are clearing the northern part of Volchanskaya and the city itself. The Ukrainian military is working to stabilize the situation, delivering fire strikes to the enemy and preventing Russian occupation forces from gaining a foothold.

Map. Source: Screenshot

As OBOZ.UA reported, in Ukraine the enemy continues to attack the Defense Forces along almost the entire front line. In the Kharkov direction, the intensity of hostilities has increased, and the occupiers are concentrating their main efforts on the Pokrovsky and Kupyansky directions.

We have only verified information in our Telegram channel OBOZ.UA and Viber. Don’t be fooled by fakes!

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