The European Union will tighten the rules for the import of cats and dogs from Russia and Belarus

14:54, 19 May 2024Source: 

From September 16, 2024, for the import of cats, dogs and ferrets into the European Union from Russia and Belarus, a test for rabies antibodies will be required. This was announced by the chief state veterinarian of the Lithuanian Border Control Department, Alicia Zarankovich, Delfi reports .

Mediazona noted that such a decision was made on April 19, as follows from the official journal of the EU. 

According to Zarankovic, a sample of the rabies antibody test must be taken at least three months before issuing a veterinary certificate and entering the European Union. The research must be carried out in an “approved laboratory” (we are probably talking about laboratories accredited in the EU – note by Meduza). 

According to current rules, to bring a pet into the EU, it is required that it has a subcutaneous microchip or a special tattoo. The animal must also be vaccinated against rabies. 

The tightening of requirements in the EU was explained by the fact that an unfavorable epidemiological situation is being recorded in Russia and Belarus, where “rabies is regularly detected in cats and dogs.” In addition, according to the EU, rabies vaccination is carried out “inappropriately” in Russia and Belarus.

(C)MEDUZA 2024


  1. Are they fuckin kidding me. How about you arrest the assholes violating the sanctions. These politicians are useless

  2. No RuZZians whatsoever should be allowed to enter any democratic country, let alone their fucking dogs.

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