Oil refineries burn in Russia after explosions – photo, video

19 MAY 2024

Russian Telegram channels report explosions and fires at oil refineries in Vyborg, Leningrad Oblast, and Sloviansk-on-Kuban. 

Source: Russian Telegram channels Baza and Astra 

Details: The reports state that eyewitnesses reported explosions in Vyborg, Leningrad Oblast. 

After that, a fire broke out near a local oil depot.

Citizens add on social media that it is unknown what exactly happened. 


Fire in Vyborg, Leningrad Oblast, Russia. Photo: Astra 


Updated: Telegram channels also reported that a fire broke out on the territory of a refinery in Sloviansk-on-Kuban. Preliminary reports indicate that the oil depot was attacked by drones, as eyewitnesses reported hearing explosions.


Later, Alexander Drozdenko, Governor of Leningrad Oblast, said that the information about the UAV attack on the Vyborg oil depot was not true.

He said that the explosion in the building of the old oil depot happened due to the use of pyrotechnics, and there was no fire or casualties.

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    • Indeed, Mr. Gray, if this continues, mafia land will be in a deep financial hurt.

  1. “He said that the explosion in the building of the old oil depot happened due to the use of pyrotechnics, and there was no fire or casualties.”

    Of course.

    • I have question Franky. When i post a picture i only see a link. How do you get the picture showing instead of the link. I usually upload to Disqus and post the link. Is Disqus maybe restricted here on?

      • WP lets me post photos only when posting articles.
        In comments I can only post a link to a photo. No idea why.

        • If you want to post an image in a comment, it’s a two step process. First you need to upload the image to the media gallery, select the image, then pressing the edit button. From there you can copy the url.

          Second step is to change the view in the top right corner of the comments page to Classic view. From there you can go to the comment in question and click reply. Then go to the img tab which will ask for the url you copied from the media gallery. It’s a pain, but the site theme doesn’t allow other options.

      • Mikey, the only way I know how to insert images into a comment is by finding a corresponding image on Google and copying the image address. Then, I press the edit button on my comment and insert the image address into the address bar for images, tap “ok” twice, and then you got it embedded in your comment. It shows up only as an address while in the edit section, but turns into an image when you exit edit.
        Wordpress is not very user-friendly when it comes to inserting images and videos, regardless if it’s in the comments part or article part. Others makes it much easier.

        • Are you an administrator? If you go to settings and plug ins you can search ‘disqus’. It will display a few. The one on top says something like ‘disqus comments system’ or like. If you or focusser could install it, it would help with pictures and videos.

  2. Hopefully many of these plants will be put beyond repair.
    Now hit the putinaZi electricity generation infrastructure.

    • I hope that Ukraine is striving for the destruction of 100% of oil refineries and storage.

  3. In another article one of the orcs came out with an hilarious statement. Yet another case of Ukrainian drones crashing on their intended target.

    “Local officials said six drones crashed onto the territory of an oil refinery in Slavyansk in Russia’s southern Krasnodar region, forcing it to halt work. Russia has reported more Ukrainian attacks since opening a new front in Ukraine’s northeastern region of Kharkiv earlier this month.”

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