Estonian lawmaker urges NATO to “wake up” after Russians hint at plans to change border

Marko Mihkelson, Chairman of the Estonian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, has said it was time for NATO to “wake up” and prove its ability to respond adequately to threats, particularly after Moscow’s hints at plans to redraw the border in the Baltic Sea.

Source: Mihkelson on Twitter, as reported by European Pravda

Details: Mihkelson was responding to a Moscow Times article about a draft document indicating Russia’s plans to unilaterally change the country’s maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea.

“With such steps, Russia is testing NATO’s readiness to defend itself. So far, he [Russian ruler Vladimir Putin] has received a signal that NATO does not dare to quarrel with Russia. Be it helping Ukraine at half strength and banning their use of weapons, turning a blind eye to Russia’s missile and drone inflows, widespread GPS signal jamming, or disrupting vital infrastructure. Even the ambassadors of the NATO member states do not dare to make a joint visit to Kyiv, fearing that it could place NATO as if it were at war with Russia,” said Mikkelson.

The lawmaker believes that Moscow views its campaign in Ukraine as part of a battle to destroy the Western-determined world order, and part of this strategic goal is to undermine NATO’s credibility.

“It is high time for NATO allies to wake up and decide with which symmetric or asymmetric steps to respond to Russia. Otherwise, there will be new provocations from Russia, which may eventually lead to an immediate military conflict,” said Mikkelson.

Background: Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna suggested that media reports about Russia’s intentions to change maritime borders in the Baltic Sea are an attempt to “sow confusion”.

© 2024 Ukrainska Pravda


  1. “The lawmaker believes that Moscow views its campaign in Ukraine as part of a battle to destroy the Western-determined world order, and part of this strategic goal is to undermine NATO’s credibility.”

    It’s too late to undermine the credibility of NATO. The current leaders in NATO countries make Chamberlain look like a warmonger. China are looking on at this clown performance and realising they have nothing to fear at all. Had the West sent the orcs back to their shithole in 2022, China would be very quiet about invading Taiwan.

    • “The current leaders in NATO countries make Chamberlain look like a warmonger.”
      LOL! Very well phrased, F1! Excellent mix of irony and seriousness. 😁👍
      Also, very good point about China’s pov. Yeah, right, this ain’t deterrence, but rather looks like an invitation!

  2. How about Nato fucking wakes up, stops being a bunch of useless cunts and reverts to what it once was : a military alliance that exists for one purpose only : the deterrence of Russia.
    Step 1/ fire the Marxist fuckwit running it at the moment and replace him with a hard-ass with a military background.
    2/ expedite the full invasion of friendly forces into Ukraine. Four or five divisions to start with and expanding exponentially until every last orc has been killed or returned to his shithole.

    • You can replace Stoltenberg, but it won’t change anything. The problem lies with Biden who could order NATO into Ukraine tomorrow.

    • As Foccusser rightly wrote, Scradge, Stoltenberg ain’t the problem, he’s simply the well meaning admin of the organisation, without much real power. The urgent issue rather is the desastrous lack of political leadership right now, plus the systemic flaws in the treaty’s rules, which render it almost paralyzed. I’m increasingly convinced there has to be a restart, from scratch, to make this vital pillar of Western security fit for the 21st century. But that would require bold political action that’s unlikely to come from the major powers at the moment. We can only hope for fresh minds being elected in the next years, which will dare to cut the Gordian knot. 😕

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