Comrade Tucker Carlson

Roman Sheremeta

Chairman of Ukrainian American House | Professor of Economics at Case Western Reserve

May 21, 2024

Comrade Tucker Carlson, an infamous russian propagandist, has officially launched his own show on the russian propaganda channel Russia 24. The first episode is devoted to US “biological warfare”.

For a long time Carlson has been spreading lies and misinformation on many issues on the US national TV, until he was fired by Fox News. But Elon Musk, another russian propagandist, has revived his misinformation campaign on Twitter.

The shrinking Twitter audience was not enough for Carlson, so he started traveling to Moscow and collecting paychecks. He openly claimed that he is “rooting for russia” and recently did an “interview” with Putin.

I have been saying this for several years that Tucker Carlson is a russian propagandist, but many people didn’t believe it. Well, here you have it. Comrade Carlson now has his own propaganda show in russia.


A reminder of what Trump says about this creature:

“Regarding the potential vice president picks, the former president said he would consider Carlson for the post. “I like Tucker a lot, I guess I would,” he said. “I think I’d say I would because he’s got great common sense.”


Comment from Alexandru Nicolin:

Well, we had been waiting since 1945 for a remake of Lord Haw-Haw’s excellent show “Germany Calling”. Remember that “Germany wanted to be left alone, but the UK attacked” and “Russia felt threatened by NATO expansion”.



  1. In a crowded field of putinoid scum in the media, there has never been one quite so foul as Fucker Karlsonov.
    Roman is right to point out the similarities with Lord Haw-Haw.
    This new Haw-Haw deserves the same fate as the old one.

    • In being aware of kremlin propaganda and fighting the information/disinformation war it becomes necessary to get glimpses into the mind and methods of the enemy.

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